Today, July 17th (Wednesday), HAKUBA WORLD GOSPEL FESTIVAL 2024 KIDS&U21 took place.

Here are the results:

1st place: Super Smile
2nd place: Faith
3rd place: Joy
4th place: Light
5th place: Nagasaki Church CS Victory

1st place: Pleasure
2nd place: Harvest
3rd place: Hosanna
4th place: Light
5th place: Sign
6th place: Orange
6th place: Elijah

The ordination ceremony took place

On July 16th, at the evening service of the Hakuba Camp, the ordination ceremony was conducted as follows: Pastor Peter Nagato as Elder in Charge, Pastor Phoebe Ota as Elder, Pastor Paul Yumino as General Director of ETI Mission, Pastor David Maeda as General Director of River Music Ministry.

Please pray for their future ministry.

About the Israel Team and Galilee Hotel

Regarding the Israel team, we had no rooms and were on a waiting list for the Long Beach Hotel rooms on November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. However, we have successfully reserved 25 rooms for each of the three nights! Praise the Lord!

Hakuba Camp [Important Accommodation Information] Sent

On July 15th (Monday) around 21:00, we sent out the Hakuba Camp 2024 Summer [Accommodation Information].

This information is sent only to those staying at the site.

If you have not received it, please check your spam folder, and if you still cannot find it, contact us via the inquiry form.

Furthermore, information about the hotel’s free shuttle bus and the Wing Bus will be sent to those who have reserved by the morning of July 16th (Tuesday).

▼ Inquiry Form: https://forms.office.com/r/YgfCisJhEz

Please pray for Pastor Rad

Pastor Rad has fractured two ribs on his left side.

It is expected to take one month for a full recovery, but he is able to move around.

He received medication, a compress, and a corset from the hospital.

Please pray for his healing.

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