Healing Stomach Pain

On June 8th, a healing gathering was held at the Tokyo Antioch Church. The first half featured a mini-live performance by Tree of Life. During the live, Noah Terumi shared a story about her work trip to Laos.

After her work in Laos was done, she was scheduled to go to Thailand and Cambodia, but suddenly she developed a severe stomachache.

The pain was so intense that she thought it might be appendicitis. Even while enduring the pain on the plane, she prayed for healing. She was sweating profusely, and her face was pale, so she had planned to go to a hospital in Thailand.

The peak of her pain was on the plane, but by the time she arrived in Thailand, it had already subsided considerably, allowing her to make it to the hotel on her own.

At the hotel, she prayed again before going to bed, and by the next morning, she was healed and able to complete all of her work.

Information on Atsugi Holy Meeting on Saturday, June 8th

Atsugi Charismatic Meeting

Saturday, June 8, 2024

10:00 A.M.– 10:30 A.M. Gospel Gathering
10:30 A.M.– 10:50 A.M. Charismatic Seminar
11:00 A.M.– 12:00 P.M. Charismatic Meeting

Venue: Ebina City Cultural Center, Practice Room 303
(6-1 Megumi-cho, Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture, 243-0438 TEL 046-232-3231)

Lecturers: Pastor Paul Akimoto and Pastor Moses Onojima

Contact: 090-4006-5774 (Onojima)

Please pray for the “Hollywood Movie Production Seminar” team

【From Vice Leader: Pastor Peter Kubota】

Please pray for the “Hollywood Movie Production Seminar” team. This will be my first time attending the seminar, which Dr. Ted Baehr, the founder of Movieguide, has long encouraged me to join. The seminar is titled “How to Succeed in Hollywood (Without Losing Your Soul)” (Master Class). Dr. Ted Baehr has been conducting this seminar since 1978 at NYU, then at UC Berkeley, and from around 2010 at the Movieguide office. The seminar is, of course, entirely in English. Past non-native English-speaking participants have included Germans. I am the first participant from Japan.

It is an intensive five-day course running from 10 AM to 9:30 PM. There will also be lectures from Hollywood studio executives. This seminar is being held in the 41st year of our church’s journey, marking a step into a new phase of serious engagement. It is a significant step of faith towards the fulfillment of the vision, spoken of for about 30 years, to produce an animated movie about the 26 Martyrs of Japan from Hollywood. Please pray for us.

【Team Member】(1 person) Pastor Peter Kubota (The Light of Eternal Agape Tokyo Antioch Church), Director General of the Movie Mission


June 11 (Tue) – June 19 (Wed), 2024 June 11 (Tue)
Depart Haneda at 11:55 AM ⇒ Arrive in LA at 6:00 AM on June 11 (Tue) (American Airlines AA170) (local time) (arriving at 10:00 PM Japan time, with a 16-hour time difference)

June 12 (Thu) to June 16 (Sun) Participate in the seminar at the Movieguide office from 10 AM to 9:30 PM (local time) (2:00 AM to 12:30 PM Japan time) A closing ceremony will be held on the last day.

June 17 (Mon) Move to Los Angeles

June 18 (Tue) Depart LA at 10:30 AM (local time) (2:30 AM Japan time on June 19 (Wed)) ⇒ Arrive at Haneda at 2:20 PM on June 19 (Wed) (American Airlines AA027)

【Prayer Requests】

    1. To humbly give thanks and rejoice, praying and listening accurately, and to fulfill our mission.
    2. To clearly understand the main points discussed in the seminar, and to be supported and strengthened in energy, stamina, and English ability. To enjoy the classes and be refreshed from fatigue.
    3. To absorb everything we can towards the goal of producing an animated movie about the 26 Martyrs from Hollywood.
    4. Protection from all dangers (terrorism, accidents, illness, troubles, evil people, evil spirits) and protection for our families and church. Safety in driving (especially during long-distance, nighttime driving, and against drowsiness and glare). To not get infected with COVID-19 and to have no troubles with entry and exit procedures.
    5. To successfully pass this seminar and qualify to participate in the next seminar (Advanced Class), and for all necessary needs to be fully met.
    6. For the development of the relationship with Dr. Ted Baehr and the relationships with the people we should be involved with.
    7. For smooth and trouble-free communication for the team’s blog, computers, iPhones, and other devices from the field. For the cooperation of Pastors Sasaki and Fuchino in filming short movies and videos, and for the provision of necessary equipment. For the report upon returning to Japan.
    8. To be given opportunities to promote the nine videos about the 26 Martyrs we have created so far in the Movie Mission, including the English subtitled versions.

Regarding the Orchestra Worship Service Volunteers

We are recruiting orchestra volunteers for the Hakuba Camp worship service, targeting all TLEA churches nationwide. Those who are already serving in the orchestra during worship services and those who, with faith, wish to serve in the orchestra in the future are welcome to participate.

【Bring your own instrument & advance registration required. Application deadline: July 9th】

Please inform us of your name, church name, instrument, and the sessions you are available to serve in from the following five services:

    1. Night of the 16th
    2. Opening on the 17th
    3. Night of the 17th
    4. Night of the 18th
    5. Closing on the 19th

We will send out the service schedule three days before the camp after adjustments. We would appreciate it if you could obtain permission from your church pastor and apply as a church unit.

Please apply using the form below.


Contact: Noah Terumi

Guide to the Hotel Shuttle Bus for the Hakuba Camp

There is a shuttle bus service to Hotel Green Plaza Hakuba. Since it operates on a registration-only basis, you need to register with the Hakuba Camp Executive Committee to use the service. Please register for the shuttle bus in the camp application form. (Note that you cannot make reservations through the hotel’s reservation site or call center.)

Information about Pastor Ben’s special conferences

A special conferences will be held with Pastor Ben (New City Church India).

Please come to the nearest venue. We sincerely look forward to your participation.

▪️June 5th (Wed) Osaka Conference 7:00-9:00 PM
Message from Pastor Ben

Venue: Osaka City Kita Ward Community Center, 2nd floor hall

Address: 2-1-27 Ogimachi, Kita Ward, Osaka City

Contact: 080-3819-5177 (Mori)

▪️June 6th (Thu) Yokkaichi Conference 6:30-8:30 PM
Message from Pastor Ben

Venue: TLEA Yokkaichi Zion Church

Address: 1-2 Nishihamadacho, Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture

Contact: 059-355-2201 (TLEA Yokkaichi Zion Church)

Kyushu Conferences on June 4th (Tue)

▪️Hitoyoshi Charismatic Conference & Seminar

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

12:30 – Seminar
13:10 – Conference

Venue: Hitoyoshi Culture Palace, 2nd floor, Conference Room

Speakers: Pastor Paul Akimoto (TLEA Tokyo Antioch Church) and Pastor John Akimoto (TLEA Tokyo Antioch Church)

Contact: 080-7982-3717 (Murakami)

▪️Kurume Charismatic Conference

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

18:30 – 19:00 Charismatic Seminar
19:10 – 21:00 Charismatic Conference

Venue: E-Pia Kurume Music Room 1 (1830-6 Suwano-cho, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

Speakers: Pastor Paul Akimoto (Tokyo Antioch Church) and Pastor Isaiah Kihara Makoto (Nagasaki Jerusalem Church) Testimony and special praise: Pastor John Akimoto (TLEA Tokyo Antioch Church)

Online (simulcast) is also available.

Contact: 080-4698-1292 (Matsumoto)
Email: tlccckurume@gmail.com

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