We received a message from Elizabeth, Irie’s daughter

We received a message from Elizabeth, Irie’s daughter, to Pastor Akimoto

“The Israel trip sounds amazing! That is awesome to hear many are reading the book again.

My Dad loved you all and missed traveling to Japan: he spoke very highly of all the pastors he knew in Japan and they kindness and love he felt from everyone.

Thank you for continuing prayers: we know he is no longer suffering but rejoicing with the Lord in a much better place.

God gave me a dream two nights ago.

I saw my father in heaven he was dressed in ALL white suits- he looked so beautiful and clean. I had 3 glimpses of him. First was his face up close. Second was standing in the middle of 4or 5 others. I could only see my father. He looked amazing and beautiful in his white suite. The 3rd I saw him surrounded by a group people. It was very comforting to have this dream.

We will continue to pray for Japan and churches my father ministered to. Thank you for staying connected. God bless you!”

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