Kaze no Hibiki Vol. 11 Sheet music sets H and I have been released

Revers in the Desert Music has released Kaze no Hibiki Vol. 11 Sheet Music Sets H and I.
Delivered as a PDF file. 5 song set 1100 yen each (tax included)
The sheet music is being produced at a rapid pace and may not be the final version.
Please note that the final sheet music will be “Kaze no Hibiki Vol. 11”.
Please use it together with the 11th album application sound source.
Entries can be purchased from distribution stores such as iTunes, Amazon, etc. Please click here to purchase the sheet music set. https://arechinikawa.shop-pro.jp/

H set

  1. Glory to the King
  2. Love of the Cross
  3. Hallelujah Hallelujah
  4. Jesus
  5. City of David – Song on the way to the capital


I set

  1. God Has Prepared the Best
  2. Dedicated to You
  3. Thinking of Heaven
  4. Turn Around
  5. White Cloud

Irie Coroama was lifted up to heaven

Irie Coroama was lifted up to heaven on September 19th. We’ve heard that he was surrounded by his family and friends. The memorial service is scheduled for September 23rd. Please keep his family in your prayers.

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