Please pray for Pastor David Maeda.

Please pray for Pastor David Maeda.

Early this morning, he experienced severe pain from the stomach to the back and was rushed to the emergency room. After undergoing tests, he has been diagnosed with a gallstone attack, and he will be kept under observation and undergo further examinations.

Depending on his condition, it may be necessary to perform gallbladder removal surgery.

He is currently receiving pain relief through intravenous drip, but the pain persists, so please pray for swift relief from the pain.

Please pray that the stones in the gallbladder and bile duct will dissolve without the need for surgery.

He also has an upcoming MRI scan, and as he suffers from claustrophobia, please pray for his comfort and protection during the procedure.

He is currently in the process of compiling the 11th volume of “The Sound of the Wind” song collection, so please pray that he meets the deadline for submission.

Please pray for his financial need.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could remember all of the above in your prayers.

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