Sudden hearing loss was healed

On September 9th, at Tokyo Antioch Church, a healing gathering took place. During the Tree of Life mini-live event, Ms. Noah Terumi shared a story of her sister’s sudden hearing loss being healed.

About ten days ago, her sister sent a group email to the family, saying that when she woke up in the morning, she couldn’t hear anything. One of her ears had lost half of its hearing, and the other ear had ringing in it.

After visiting an ear, nose, and throat specialist, she was immediately advised to go to a university hospital. Her sister was in a condition where she couldn’t even take a bus or a train. Terumi realized from reading a book that it was an inner ear problem, so she prayed for her sister’s inner ear to be healed.

On Saturday, when her sister went to a major hospital and was told she needed immediate hospitalization for steroid treatment, she asked them to wait for one more day and returned home.

During Sunday’s worship, while praying, Terumi was reminded of the scripture that says, “Give the word, and my servant will be healed.” Since it was about a servant of the centurion who was healed by Jesus when He gave the word, she prayed, “Please give a word for my sister too.”

Then, during the final prayer of the worship service, a word came from God, saying, “The one with difficulty hearing in the ear has been healed.” Terumi received this as a word from God given to her sister. That night, her sister was completely healed.

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