Thank you For Your Offerings For Film Mission

Thank you for your prayer, precious offering and support to TLEA film mission.


We sent Hollywood team from 22 January to the 29th 2020. We are stepping into the faith through the film, “Gonsalo and Hideyoshi” Hollywood version promotion. In the flow of God’s word fulfilment since 30 to 40 years ago, the time of fulfilment of God’s word, “26 Saints Animation film” will be published from Hollywood is near.

Now is the time that we need your prayer and support.

It is now difficult to collect offering physically in the church because of on-line worship service.

So would you like to transfer your offering into the following account? Thank you.


Name of account holder:TLCCC映画ミッション(ティーエルシーシーシーエイガミッション)

1) ゆうちょ銀行 総合口座

記号 10080  番号 16938691

口座名 TLCCC映画ミッション

*If you are transferring from bank other than Yuucho bank, please refer to the following information.

店名 00八(読み ゼロゼロハチ サ行を選択)

普通貯金 口座番号 1693869

2) ゆうちょ銀行 振替口座

振替番号  00110−7−538863

口座名 TLCCC映画ミッション

Thank you

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