Lumbosacral strain was healed by the word of wisdom and the word knowledage through the online worship service

Pastor Hannah Onuki, Yokohama Joy in the Heaven Church, had a lumbosacral strain. Whenever she had been woken in the morning, she felt a sharp pain in her back so that she couldn’t get up. Even though she had attended the bonesetter’s clinic every day, her backache was getting worse and worse.

She thought that she would join the Tokyo Charismatic Meeting, however the situation wasn’t available. She gave up to attend the meeting. Instead of that, she made up her mind to see the online worship service. While watching it, she heard the word, “Your backache is healed”, as the word of wisdom and the word knowledage through the Holy Spirit. She had received the word.

Next morning, when she was awake, surprisingly, she could get up and walk. Her backache was healed. Praise the Lord.

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