Immanuel and Beracha in Los Angeles Church Held Concert in Special Elderly Care Facility

On Tuesday, August 12, Immanuel and Beracha of Los Angels Church held a concert for forty minutes in a special elderly care facility in Suginami-ward.  It was the fifth concert that we had in this ficility. We sang seven songs from Yasuragi and Kazeno-Hibkiki songbooks. Some said that they had been looking foward to the concert. Many clapped their hands during the concert. And they sang together the last song, “Itsumo-Yorokobou (Rejoice Always).” After the concert, someone said, “I enjoyed the concert very much. Please come again.” There were some Christians and they siad,”I cannot attend church now. But today the church has come here. I was very glad. Please come again.” She grabbed my hands strongly. We give all the glory to the Lord.

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