Fukuoka J-gospel club held a concert at a hospital

On 22th, Fukuoka J-gospel club held a concert in the morning and in the afternoon at a mental hospital located in Fukuoka prefecture.

We sang gospel songs from “Sound of wind”, a song called “IZUMI” which is popular in this hospital, gospel songs from “Yasuragino uta” and sacred songs. There were many people who were shedding tears, and we were very touched too. We sang “Eien no ai” “God is Love” at the end, we received encore of “Amazing grace”, and we sang the song together with audience. After the concert, when we asked everyone’s impression of the concert, everyone said he or she was touched, and said that they wanted to sing together more. Later a staff of the hospital told us they will consider about Gospel club in the hospital. We give thanks to the Lord who guided the concert.

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