“La Spouza” was invited as a special guest at a culture gathering that was hosted by the Advancing Mission Congregation of Japan

“La Spouza” was invited as a special guest at a culture gathering that was hosted by the Advancing Mission Congregation of Japan from 21 through 23 June. They sang five lyrics from Yasuragi music on 22nd. At first, Pastor Shikawa Makoto shared his testimony, and on “La Spouza” praised. The wonderful presence of God poured out that meany people were moved to tears. Pastor Sato, who belongs to Fukushima No.1 Bible Baptist Church where is located near the power plants at Fukushima, delivered a message. Many words were spoken to us. Then, “La Spouza” gave two songs from “Yasuragi Music” to the Lord. They showed their CDs. The interdenominationalism works were advancing greatly and blessed.

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