Accepting songs for Yasuragi 13

We are accepting songs for Yasuragi 13. Please apply as early as possible. Application of good lyrics will be given a melody by a song writer. Applications should be presented as follows:

Guidance for applications of Yasuragi songs

*Sound sources should be in the form of CDs or MP3 data and be sent by e-mail. Cassette tapes and MDs are also accepted. Recorde several songs in one medium. (It is best to send the data in the form of MP3 or WAVE)
*In making songs, be careful not to violate the copyright law by, for example, copying songs by other people.
*Sound sources should be recorded within 3 months to be accepted.
As for the songs applied previously, make changes in melody or lyrics, or change the singer. Old recordings are not accepted.
*Sound sources should be accompanied by musical instruments. Also submit a score with codes and tempos.
*Send lyrics apart from the score.
*The copywrites will be transformed to Arechi-ni-Kawa Music at the point of application.
*Media of application will not be returned to the applicants.
*Make the recording as good as possible. Sometimes we use the sound source to make CDs.
*The dead line is the end of July.
*Applications of lyrics only are also acceptable.

Surface male address for application:
Yasuragi-no-Uta kakari,
Tokyo Antioch Church, Kaneda-Building 405
2-15-1, Koenji-kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo.

e-mail address:

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