God knew difficult times I got married at the age of 22. I married a farm where a large, more than half of the year made a watermelon in the house, the rest were made of vegetables. Was living with her husband and parents. Three children also were given. To go to nursery school and three children, I was watching. Now go to the nursery, and from a kindly grandfather, so I came to agriculture. However, fewer children and fellowship, I have become husband and talk less. From childhood, a lonely lonely in my mind, wanted to be free from loneliness when they marry. It was the worst conditions. My […]
To Those Who Are Troubled With Parent-Child Relationship
Word of the Bible
To Those Who Are Troubled With Parent-Child Relationship
Give up hope even look like a small Sunbeams. But the Bible says that there is endless hope in despair, The hope is that this is written by everyone. And this was way out on the actual sentence Be sure you also can occur when there is such a miracle. 2 Corinthians 5:17 If anyone in Christ, He is a new creation. The old has gone, Behold, the new has come.
Making peace with my father that I had the poorest relation
To Those Who Are Troubled With Parent-Child Relationship
Go back to your family—From America to Japan I was born and raised in Chikuhou area, Fukuoka prefecture; and my town was quiet and the population of 20 thousand. There was not much of any interest in foreign countries, but somehow I always had an interest in foreign countries. I decided to live in a foreign country someday. My dream came true but I came home after only three years of studying in America; interrupting my first strong decision, because God told me “go back home to your family.” I believed in Jesus Christ and became a Christian on Easter day one year prior to graduating with a Master’s degree. […]
A Restored Relationship with a Daughter who Had Anorexia
To Those Who Are Troubled With Parent-Child Relationship
My senior high-school student daughter was 168 cm tall and was chubby. As she entered a high school, she became even chubbier. One day she said to me, “Mom, I will go on a diet.” I answered her casually, telling her that she had better lose some weight. From this point she went into a diet. In the beginning she followed a normal diet, having a banana for breakfast and fewer snacks. Without seeing a good result of diet, she bought a book on calories and started to count calories for meals in reference to a book on calories. All Started with Diet My senior high-school student daughter was 168 […]
Freedom from Loneliness and Hatred; and Restoration of My Family
To Those Who Are Troubled With Parent-Child Relationship
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.” (Acts 16:31) This scripture has supported me. I heartily appreciate much grace and blessing from Jesus. Great love of Jesus has set me free. I have been released from all the negative things inside me such as hatred, sorrow, suffering and loneliness.