“Sprendor” and “Ohsaka J Gospel Club” sang with high school students from the US

“Ohsaka J Gospel Club” worked with “Sprendor” to hold a concert at New Ohsaka Youth Hostel on Tuesday, April 8. They peformed with high school students from California, the US. The students travel in Japan and major in music. In the beginning, “Sprendor” started singing a couple of songs from “Yasuragi” and “Sound Of The Wind” music. The first half of the concert had a very lively feeling, so the students played “Sakura” with the guitar. For the second half, some sang in solo and others sang in chorus. At the end of the concert, they sang “Amazing Grace” together. After that, they had good fellowship. A Christian teather said, “Please come to the US to sing.” We give thanks to the Lord.

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