Regarding submitting songs for Kazenohibiki no. 10

If you would like to submit songs by email for Kazenohibiki no. 10, the deadline is August 27 Saturday. Pleas note that we won’t be able to accept songs after the deadline.

When you apply by email, please submit in mp3 format if possible. (We also accept WAVE and mp4, but please use mp3 as much as possible.

In the file name, please include the song title, the name of the lyricist and composer, and whether it is a new song or a resubmission, as shown below. (It would be helpful if you could use the format below.)

Let’s give thanks! (Elisa Ota) new

Thanksgiving and Praise (Word: Peter Nagato, Music: Paul Yumino) Re-enter

The deadline is approaching, so please submit your sound files for now.

We’re looking forward to accepting your songs.

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