Praise Bands Of Elementary and Junior High Students In Yokkaichi Zion Church sang Gospels In Yokkaichi Dome

“Inori,” “Home-Uta,” and “Zion,” the praise bands composed of elementary and junior high students sang Gospels at Yokkaichi Children’s Festival which was held in Yokkaichi Dome.

It was the tenth time that they participated in the Festival. Every year the children stand as a praise band and sang Gospels to many people. This year too they sang with power from the bottom of their heart, and a strong Presence of God was poured out.

The staff members and MC said, “I thought they were good, but it was above my expectation.” “The atmosphere changed. And the time stoped.” “I had a goose skin, I was moved.”

Many people listened to them ernestly, and said, “What is this? They are amazingly good.” The children sang Gospels which reached the hearts of the audience. We than God that He worked.

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