Osaka J Gospel Club Had A Concert At An Elderly Day Care Service

On Saturday, December 21, Osaka J Gospel Club had one hour concert at an elderly day care center in Suita City.  This time, the position of members were suddenly changed and the concert was held, because the usual master of ceremonies could not make voice by a cold.  They gave a cheer to the pinch hitter who was not familiar and a big hand whenever each song was finished.  Because it’s in December this time, four Christmas songs were included and Yamato, who’s popular, also sang one song holding a microphone.  The staff of the elderly day care center distributed cards of lyrics of Christmas songs and we sang together. When we were singing “Aiuta” which can be sung by sign language, some sang together with sign language.  The one attending the center in an armchair at the corner of the hall also clapped hands and the concert was finished while everyone looked friendly. We received an encore and were so blessed. We give all glory to the Lord, who led everything.

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