Osaka J Gospel Club, A Concert At A Facility For The Challenged Children

On Thursday, April 2, Osaka J-Gospel Club had a concert at a day care center for the challenged children in Settsu city.  This facility is a sister facility of a rehabilitation facility a mother of a member of the club has a relationship with. 24 children listened to the concert, one severely challenged bedridden child and children looking to have light emotional disorder from elementary school to high school as the others.  They sung three songs, traditional songs and animated Disney songs which are familiar to children, too, and children also sang loudly. They sang nine songs from Yasuraginouta (Peaceful song) songbook and Sound of Wind songbook, and big applause was given to each song they did. Some children were crying. At last, the concert warmed up with a praise song, “God is Love.”  It was impressed that some staff members seemed to be touched with God, and listened to.  The message, “You aren’t alone. You are a loved, precious, and important being” was entirely included to each comment and then they seemed to be moved. Pulling all of things together, a greeting was given from a representative, who was very pleased.  Children also were very happy and came to shake hands.  We give thanks to the Lord, who opened this relationship, and give all glory to Him.

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