Mikoe Press released “DVD:Movie-making seminar in Hakuba, 2012”

As we’ve already informed you that “DVD: Movie-making seminar in Hakuba, 2012” was completed. So we released it on 29 Feb. You’ll be able to learn how to post your movies on the Internet, and it’s useful for the mission works of your church, and the movie-making seminar was held on Synergoi Camp in Hakuba for the second straight year that was for edifying us as co-workers toward Revival and the end times, and then what is available here is the entire source Hakuba camp movie seminar.

It makes you how to deliver live on iPhone, Smartphone and so on, and to make and cut your movies about your testimonies, and also it helps you as a required and neat tool that it’s easy to understand for telling the good news with using movies online. So please use this DVD for the work of God.

A double DVD, set price 3,000 yen (including tax)
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