Kochi J Gospel Club held a concert entitled healing your heart at Sore Festival featuring a movie about visiting an orphanage in Zambia

Kochi J Gospel Club held a Gospel Concert called healing your heart. The concert also featured a movie about the visit of an orphanage in Zambia at Sore Festival in Kochi Cityon January 28th. Pictures of Corner Stone Orphanage in Zambia were displayed on the hallway of the place and people were watching them eagerly.  The people sat down on the chair and listened to the praising songs of Yasuragi.

They also showed the movie of Corner Stone Orphanage in Zambia, gave a supplementary explanation about the orphanage, and introduced about the orphanage in Japan too. The people had interests and watched the movie, and we could let them know about our orphanage works.  We also gave flyers about our charity concert series and our orphanage information to the people that were present at the concert. God blessed those people who came to our concert.

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