Hybrid Noah was given to TrueVine

Few days ago, a Toyota dealer man contacted to TrueVine saying, “I need to bring a car to you”.  There was a person, who do not want to reveal his/her name to TrueVine, who was spoken by God to give a car to TrueVine.  The dealer man was surprised about this wonderful business and he checked TrueVine’s homepage and blogs and told them that he wanted to go to the next concert.  The car plate number was from John 15:1, which is “I am the true vine….”.  This is the verse that the band’s name, TrueVine came from.  This plate number was chosen by the dealer man.  He chose it because he found the origin of the name TrueVine came from the verse, which he learned from the website of trueVine.  God seems to touch him, too.  Actually, TrueVine was about to receive a car few years back. However, it was not successful.  When they gave thanks about that, God spoke to them that better car would be given to them.  Though Noah Hybrid was not yet on sale, His words came true.  This is the best car if TrueVine rather choose.  They are grateful to God.

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