Gospel Live TV on January 29th

Gospel Live TV on January 29th, 2012 started the selection process of selecting a producer for the Spring Concert.  Selection #1 was a project of Mr. Moses Hikaru Denishi and Mr. Masahiro Sato.

This time the project focused on the gospel group Gifts.  It mainly showed Gift’s street performance activities by VTR.

They also had a guest singing group Gospel Seed.  They sung 2 powerful songs including “Before you were born”.

Gifts sung 5 songs.  They sung songs such as “Eternal Love” and “In the Shining Light”, there were many musical masterpieces this time for Gospel Live TV.

There will be a project of Ms. Akiko Suzuya, Ms. Noah Terumi, and Mr. Keisuke Mori next week. Don’t miss it!

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