“Gloty to Him”, a Praise Band Of Suzuka・Matsuzaka・Kuwana, A Concert At An After-School Day-Care Center

On April 4, “Glory to Him”, a praise band of Suzuka・Matsuzaka・Kuwana, and “Utaoni” a choir, had a joint conert at Aozora after-school day-care center (70 students).
Children were talking loudly, but changed completely when the concert started and got quiet enough to be able to listen to the last moment. At last, we sang “Okinaai (His Great Love)” together. The one who got impressed to know most of children started to sing without troubles even if it was the song they sang for the first time, spoke to us,”Children were singing together, weren’t they?” We are sorry we had no opportunities to ask children how the concert was but we give thanks to God who gave the chance to deliver J-Gospel to elementary school student for the first time.

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