“Eternal Love” of Yasuraginouta is being used

The other day, a gospel group “True Vine” received an e-mail that she is playing an active part in general gospel group’s representative in Osaka. She’s very fond of the lyrics of “Eternal Love” so that she bought the CD and the scours to sing in many places with her groups. She plans on appearing on a radio program for PR of Tohoku earthquake’s charity events. The letter says that she’d like to use the lyrics of “Eternal Love” in the events. “It’s available if you shows a copyright of Arechinikawa Music and write information of ours.”, we answered, and then she agreed and recorded. (We’re not sure when it’ll be on air. We heard that it would be distributed on Ustream.) Also she might appear on Cable TV. If she shows the program, she’d love to use the lyrics. So God touches many people through the lyrics of Yasuraginouta widely. We give thanks to the Lord.

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