Please Pray for Philippines

After Typhoon No.21 (16-17 December, 2011) hit on the Mindanao island of the Philippines, more than 1,000 people were killed and many people are still missing. The members of our Philippines’ churches and children in the orphanage are safe. Ms. Cora said, “We had never experienced such a disaster before where the river flooded a large area, not a few houses were swept away, and our friends and colleagues suffered from the typhoon.” So we’d like to ask you to pray for their recovery.

The team will be sent to the Philippines from Saturday, 14 through Tuesday, 17 January. Please pray also for the team.

(Photo:children in the orphanage)

PATOLIS Gives a Concert at Special Nursing Home for Aged People

On Wednesday, 14 December, the gospel group “PATOLIS” gave a concert at a special nursing home for the aged people in Shiranuka-cho, Hokkaidou. They had a good fellowship with a Christian clerk at the window. She said, “I was so moved because of your choice of music a good one.” She showed them an another facility for the next concert in Kusiro-city. Some audience members from Korea were very moved when they listened to the lyrics of “You were born to be loved (Korean’s Gospel music).” Many people were touched by the presence of God through the concert. We praise the name of the Lord.

Gospel Concert “Kokoro Gospel” is tomorrow

Gospel concert, Kokoro Gospel will be held tomorrow on Tuesday, 20th December at Miraiza Ikebukuro or Toshima koukaidou, which is about five-minute walk from JR Ikebukuro station. Please bring your family, friends and acquaintances and come to our concert!

Open: 18:30
Start: 19:00

Adult : 1,200 yen in advance / 1,400 yen walk-in
Junior high & High school students: 500 yen in advance/ 700 yen walk-in

Primary students : Free
Enquire: Arechinikawa Music


Purchasing tickets:

You can purchase tickets at Shinjuku Oasis, Tachikawa Oasis and Ochanomizu CLC.

Tomato Steamboat, Kimchi Steamboat, GomaMiso Steamboat… Students group have variety of Steamboat to heat up our body

In the after noon on the 18th, we had an assembly worship service of youth, junior high and high school students at the church. After that, they moved to the hall and all of them cooked clumsily and joyfully.  There are Tomato Steamboat, Kimchi Steamboat, Gomamiso Steamboat… we cannot eat any more!  There are 3rd year and 5th year of University students who are busy looking for job hunting. One joined them in-time after attending job seminar. Students group usually cook together and eat after the assembly worship service which starts at 2:20 P.M. on the 4th Sunday every month. Please join them.

La Spoza has a concert at a Christian daycare home and an old folks home in Tokyo

On the 15 and 16 December, La Spoza  served by singing Christmas Carol and Yasuragi no Uta in the concert at a Christian daycare home and an old folks home  in Tokyo. This is the home that La Spoza members visit monthly. Everyone sang Christmas carol, ‘Ookina ai’, and ‘Subete ni kansha’, which they have learned by heart already. They have told them the good news and they felt the Lord touched each of them in the deep presence of the Lord. In the daycare home, one hour has passed very fast, and everybody seemed to be wrapped with joy and content. Many people say ‘Thank you’ to them. They felt the Lord’s deep plan that will be given through Yasuragi no Uta.  Praise the Lord.  We return the glory to Him.

Hakuba Christian Film Festival and movie seminar

Hakuba Christian Film Festival

As a mean of evangelism in 21st century, God is speaking to us  the use of video. So, we will hold ‘Hakuba Christian Film Festival’ in Hakuba Sunergoi Camp. Please participate in the competition with testimony videos, church introduction videos, music videos and so on for evangelism at the end time.

Summery for application
■ Music video department      length depends on the music
■ Testimony department       appx. 10 min
■ Church introduction and other works department   appx. 10 min.

Application deadline: Sunday, 29 January 2011

Application method: Send e-mail to<> with church name,

your name, name of department and the expected date

that we will receive your work.

Please save your work in DVD and send it/them by mail.

Movie seminar

Seminar of movie making and publishing online

Application fees: 1000yen/day

Seminar oultine

16 February

* This is for each church to make online worship website.  You will learn about the necessary equipment, necessary things to know and the publishing method.

17 February

* You will learn how to make testimony movie using iPhone.

In order to make testimony movie, you will need digital video camera, microphone and so on.  However, you can video shoot with your iPhone.  You will learn the know-how of it.

The One who was Suffering from Caner of Nagoya Church is being Healed

A woman who was suffering from liver and lung cancer is hospitalized. She belongs to Nagoya Church. She has a Christian profession of faith. At the end of November, she was in critical condition. A doctor said that he would not resuscitate. She had a high fever, strong jaundice and a rare immunological disorder because of the cancer. So we had prayed for her in the church, and the pastor and the pastor’s wife visited her to pray for the healing. Then God’s healing was started. Strong jaundice was getting weaker day by day, and her eye’s strength was getting recovered. Besides the oxygen and one of the drops was taken off. As of today, she is getting recovered better so that she is able to have a bite of pudding and jelly. We praise the name of the Lord!

True Vine Gives a Concert in North Gate Redevelopment Center at Kofu Station

On Friday, 16 December, True Vine was invited by the Committee for the Promotion of the North gate city-planning at Kofu station to hold a concert in North gate redevelopment center at Kofu station. The leaflets of the concert were distributed among the whole family in the city by a circular notice. So a lot of audience attended the concert even thgouh it was not a large place. God’s presence had come upon there abundantly so that many people were moved to tears. Many wonderful words in filling out questionnaires were said, “God really heals me.”, “I wanna more many people to hear the wonderful songs.”, “I’d like to buy more CD’s.” When they entered into this fiscal year, surely they realized that different reactions than before were being appeared in each place.

Splendor Gives a Concert at General Hospital Relaxation Ward

On 14 December, in the evening, Splendor gave a Christmas gospel cocnert at the hospital named “Yao Tokushukai Group General Hospital Relaxation Ward” in Yao city, Osaka. The concert was held due to a request for a staff who is in charge of the web site in the hospital ward. Just before starting the concert, he was playing the Splendor‘s CD’s that he bought. At that time, Splendor would be schedule to hold a concert in an another facility. However, because the place of the concert was near the facility, Splendor asked to shift to the time so that they were able to have the concert. It was the first time to use for the concert. Some of them even shed tears. A staff said, “I’ve never seen such a quiet countenance.” Splendor has received a request to have a concert again because they were moved so much.

Hirosima-Kure Church of God Holds a Concert at Day Service

Hirosima-Kure Church of God was invited to hold a Christmas concert in Hohoemi-Kure-Chuo on Wednesday, 14 December, and Hiromati-Chunpu in Kure city on Friday, 16 December. The concert was held due to a request for the Day Cervice for Christmas so that their praise band was given a time to sing some songs from Yasuragi-no-uta and sing songs for Christmas. The old staying at the center, their family and the staff, all of them welcomed, and they even shed tears when they heard the music. The concert was a blessing.

Gospel Live TV on 11 December

On 11 December, 2011, Gospel Live TV features “The last minute Information on Kokoro-Gospel on 20th.” The gospel group named “Gospel Seed” and “Gifts” will be broadcast. They will appear on the second-half to the coming concert. So tomorrow’s Gospel Live will be a special program for the performers as a rehearse.

Joseph Sanbonmatu of Gospel Seed, made himself hoarse. So instead of that, the group’s VTR will be broadcast. The VIT was recorded on Kokoro-Gospel in Summer, 2011. We’d like to ask you to pray for his healing that he will be able to go on the stage of 11 December.

Gifts will sing all four songs including their talk. We realize anew that Gospel is so great through Samuel’s talk, one of the member of Gifts.

Kokoro-Gospel will be held on Tuesday, 20 December. Tomorrow’s GLT is just before the concert, Kokoro-Gospel! For further information, please contact

We are being renewed about the notice of Kokoro-Gospel on this Photonews.

Enjoy the Kokoro-Gospel Special!

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