Bad Eyesight was Healed

A member of North Antioch Church had bad eyesight as a result of a trafic accident and she was wearing glasses. As she began to attend church, she was prayed for her eyesight. She was healed and her eyesight has been recovered. Now she doesn’t have to wear glasses. In the office, her colleagues ask her if it is alright she does not wear glasses, and why her eyesight was recovered. And she testimonied that as she began attending church she was healed.
We thank God for His healing work.

Canker Sore Healed

A member of Yokohama Church had a big canker sore in her mouth. We prayed for her healing and soon she was healed of her canker sore immediately. We thank God for the healing.

Gospel singing group of Kure and Hiroshima Church of God held a concert at Kure City Senior Citizens Health Center Hohoemi

Gospel singing group of Kure and Hiroshima Church of God held a concert at Kure City Senior Citizens Health Center Hohoemi at 1:10 pm on April 11th. The Gospel Group was welcomed. More than 100 people gathered and we had a blessed time there. Chugoku News Press “Family Kure” came to report and we introduced our Gospel singing group and our orphanage work.

Local Information Magazine came to interview Kashiwa Church Gospel Club

Today, Local Information Magazine came to interview Kashiwa Church Gospel Club. We were going to ask them to advertise our Charity Concert for Orphanage in Japan which will be held on April 30th, but they said they will do and they want to interview for their article. We share a lot of things about orphanage. Hallelujah!

True Vine is holding a concert at the important Cultural Property in August

At the Place that Government appointed as an important Cultural Property, Gospel group True Vine held a concert in December. They got permission to use that facility for the concert. They had a meeting there. The supervisor of music there is the main conductor of a very famous philharmonic orchestra. He said “Songs and your harmony were wonderful. Where did you learn?” and he asked us to come again. Yasuragi song is used by the Lord. We give thanks to the Lord!

The funeral service for Brother Masanori Ota was held

Brother Masanori Ota who was former Pastor of TLCCC Kitakyushu Living Church of God was lifted up to heaven caused by leukemia on April 7th. The funeral service was held on Monday officiated by Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara. Family members of Brother Masanori Ota and all the people in the service were touched by the Lord.

“VOICE” worshiped in Otsu lake Biwa international prayer chapel for the special praise

On April 9th, “VOICE” a gospel group of TLCCC Yokkaichi Zion Church joined the “Sakura Blessing Charismatic meeting” held in Otsu lake Biwa international prayer chapel and worshiped the Lord with two songs for the special praise. They were told to sing one song, but when they finished singing there was a call for an encore saying “Please sing one more song”. Through the message the importance of working with carrying the cross which was given to each one of us, it was time of many blessings. They have been invited every time with the words of invitation “Please come to sing worship song for the meeting”. We give thanks to the Lord.

“True Vine”will perform at an important cultural property of Japan again this year!

“True Vine” has given a chance to perform at a place officially acknowledged as an important cultural property of Japan, where they once performed last December, and they had a meeting today. The musical director of that place is a first player of very famous symphony orchestra and also a conductor, he said “The song and harmony was so wonderful. Where did you lean?”, and he invited them again. “Yasuragi songs” has been used by the Lord very much. We give thanks to the Lord.

Jerusalem The Lord’s Glory Church Praising Team has Praised in the Town Revitalization Event

On Saturday, 7th April, the praising team of Jerusalem Lord’s Glory Kumamoto Church praised in the Yotsukado Market, the Town Revitalization Event organized by the Town and Enterprises.  4 teams praised “Sakura” and “Hana”, by requests to sing something related to Cherry blossoms.  At last, we sang “God is love” together with the audience.  Many people listened to us, and they clapped their hands for us.  They invited us again for the next time, and we could praise with joy.  The praise had touched many people’s heart.

Yokkaichi Zion Church Praising Team held Gospel Concert in Sakura Festival Event

On 8 April, there was Excite Yokkaichi Bazaar in Cherry blossom festival in Yokkaichi city.  There, “Voice” and “Sign and Wonder” sang Gospel.  The festival was very crowed with stage and guards were controlling the cars in the main road.

The place was surrounded by cherry blossom trees.  We could give praise from our heart.  The performance was broadcast simultaneously in CTY, Yokkaichi cable T.V.  We received e-mail from those who watched us on air, saying that it was very good.

Also, the MC gave us comment, “The lyrics came to my heart, not like English Gospel.  I felt like my heart was washed and be holy!”  We give thanks to the Lord.

Splendor held Spring Concert “Gospel with parents and kids”

On Saturday, 7th April afternoon,  Kansai praising team, Splendor’s Spring Concert, ” Gospel with parents and kids” was held at Elmo hall in Nishiyodogawa Ward Hall, Osaka City.  This concert was planned for kids and grown-ups to participate.  During the intercession,”mini Gospel class” was held so that we could sing “Yasuragi no Uta (Peaceful Song)” with audience.  After the concert, a repeater of Splendor’s concert was touched by the Lord and saved, which was a wonderful work of God.  It was an abundantly blessed concert.

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