Salvation at Youth Outdoor Worship Service!

We had an outdoor worship service at Mabashi Park from 2 pm on last Sunday for youth group.  About 25 people attended and a new comer was saved.  This person said she/he felt very fresh.  After the worship service, we had rice dumplings and played dodge ball.

Help for Establishment of Japan Children’s Care Cener (Orphanage) is Published on the 1st page of Mikoe Press

Establishment for Japan Children’s Care Center has been started by the word of God, and we started to ask for financial help from public for 300,000,000 yen which will be necessary for the land and building.  On the 1st page of Mikoe Press 672 issue, information of how it started in detail, including the account to deposit donation.  We hope you to purchase Mikoe Press 672 issue to help our establishment of Japan Children’s Care Home Facility.  Thank you.

Jerusalem Held a Roadside Live Show at Yotsuya

On Sunday, 15th April, Jerusalem held a roadside Live show at Yotsuya.  Many people  took the tracts, and bought CD.  A Peruvian lady was listening to our song for long, saying that she couldn’t help listening to our song.  She also helped us to distribute tracts to the passers-by.  She said, “I couldn’t help giving you hand, because your song is very wonderful!”  She finally came to our church to watch Gospel Live T.V.  The Lord is wonderful!

Osaka J Gospel Club held Concert at Day Service Center & Youth Hostel

On Saturday, 14 April, Osaka J Gospel Club held a concert at a Day service center at Suita and Youth hostel at ShinOsaka.  In the Day service center, people asked for enore.  When we sang “God is Love- Love is all”, People enjoyed a lot.  In the Youth hostel, students and teachers from Australia listened to us.  We could have time to mix with them in English.  We give our thanks to the Lord.

Backache, discomfort and languor were healed

A person who has backache, discomfort and languor were healed. She belongs to Kitakyushu Living God Church. The person attended our service after a long time. We had opportunity to have a good fellowship with her. After that, we led to pray for her so that she said “My physical body become warm”. Several days later, we called her, she rejoiced and said “I’ve released from backache, discomfort and languor”. We give thanks to the Lord. He healed her completely.

New comers attened “Healing Gathering”

On April 14, we had “Healing Gathering”. From last month, we’re preparing for receiving many people including a sign language. New comers attended this gathering. When they searched the word of “Israel” on the Internet, our church was hit so that they could join the gathering.

After praying for healing, their physical body was getting warm and sweats on their hands. They were astonished and asked us “What is it?”. God’s power was performed strongly in the gathering.

A mission team will be sent to Patomos, Thessalonice and Philippi

A mission team will be sent to Patomos, Thessalonice and Philippi from Tue. 10 through Thur. 19 July. We book 30 seats on Lufthansa Airline. I’d like to inform you as soon as the fees of the flight and tour will be fixed. If you’ve already decided to join the team, please apply for our mission team earlier.

For registration, please contact the Europe Department of Mission.

Worship Service at Zambia Church Is Blessed

Mr. and Mrs. Tembo, professional gospel singers, members of Zambia Church,  performed a special song at the service of Zambia Church on April 8.

A married couple, members of other denomination, who repeatedly experienced God’s performance of miracles through prayer by Pastor Jasper, attended the worship service and shared the testimony of God.

Sunday school is done.  More people are usually present.  Now teachers are being accepted!

Concert At Care Facility For Disabled, Praise Band of Hyogo Philadelphia

A praise band of Hyogo Philadelphia held a gospel concert at a care facility to self-reliance for disabled in Inagawa-machi, Hyogo pref. on Friday afternoon, April 13. The concert is held regularly here and not only users but also every staffer were looking forward to the concert. It was about one hour concert where songs from “Yasuragi no uta” were mainly sung. It proceeded congenially. Most of them came to the platform at the part of harmony to sing. In the beginning attendants hardly came to the front to sing when we started visiting as singers at concerts. Now they come to sing with their pleasure. Staffers are very surprised to see such change in users. After the concert finished, the time of celebrating birthday was held (which is usually held once a year.)  Presents to all users were prepared from church and each attendant is pleased to be celebrated.  This is also the concert, filled with the profound presence of the Lord.

Funeral Service Was held, Evangelist Susumu Nakagawa, Hiroshima and Kure Church of God

Evangelist Susumu Nakagawa, Hiroshima and Kure Church of God, finished his work on the earth on April 7 and was lifted up to heaven.  On the 9th, Pastor Paul Kiyoshi Miki presided funeral service, where many attendants gathered and a call to salvation was done. At the stronghold called Aki Monto ( generally known as followers of  Jodo Shinshu- a school of pure land buddhism),  it is rare to held a Christian funeral service. Some of attendants were surely touched by the Lord and confessed their prayer to salvation.

Street Live Performance in Omura Shopping District, Getting More Powerful

Through the street live performance in Omura shopping district by Hatikva, members who join the Kohri Gospel Club, get to be increasing one after another.
We have one hour practice after the worship service. These two very new members make their debut on May 5 when they are also to perform at the time of special song in Ohmura Charismatic
Meeting.  All of members need God’s healing. I am sure God will save them soon and definitely heal them and perform miracles.

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