Regarding the ticket’s price of the team to Thai and Cambodia

As of now, the ticket’s price of the team to Thai and Cambodia is 99,200 yen by Thai Airline. We try to book the seats at the time we receive the request. So the price may increase. If a person is sure to take part in the team, we’ll be able to book the seat soon.

Please note that ticket purchased are non-refundable, and will be subject to an additional fee if cancelled.

This team is a full-scale mission team so that each person will be required to take the Second Overseas Mission class of TLCCC seminary. If you don’t take the class, please contact us.

For registoration, please contact the Asian Department of Mission.

“Gifts” and Praising Team of Nagoya Church held a gospel concert at a morning fair of a fishing port

“Gifts” and Praising Team of Nagoya Church held a gospel concert at a morning fair of a fishing port. Because the TV program announced the day before and the flyer was distributed, many guests visited there. “Gifts” and Praising Team of Nagoya Church sang some lyrics of “Yasuragi-no-Uta” there. The fisherman bought their CDs as they said that their hearts were ceased. The chairman of commercial and industrial association bought 15 copies of CD. We give thanks to the Lord.

The Church of God in Hiroshima and Kure had a worship service

On Fri. 4 May, the Church of God in Hiroshima and Kure had a worship service from 1:00 through 2:30 p.m at South Big Heart at JR Izumo Station in Izumo City, Shimane. They proclaimed the Word of God at the place. On the day, it was sunny, and there’re about 10 people gathered together including their church members and relatives. It was a wonderful worship service.

“Osaka Gospel Club” held a concert at a youth hotel

On 3 May, “Osaka Gospel Club” held a concert at a youth hotel where is located near in New Osaka at night. Because of golden week holidays, people gathered more from Japan, UK and so so. The man from the UK , who belonged to a certain volunteer organization, joined the concert. He was being on his way to travels to all the world. When we told him about the orphanage in Cambodia, he was interested in attending the orphanage.

“Gifts” gave a street live in Ehime and Kagawa

“Gifts” gave a street live in Ehime and Kagawa on Thur. and Fri. They performed at Niihama Station and Saijou Station in Ehime, and at Takamatsu Station in Kagawa. About 100 people of the max numbers heard their performance in Ehime, and relationships regarding repairing a house opened in Ishimaki. In Takamatsu, many people received the flyer. One lady, who would operate her joint, bought their CDs, and she said that she would like to listen to their music before the operation. We give thanks to the Lord because He has done the great things for us.

Kyushu Region Preliminary Round Was Held

Kyushu Region Preliminary Round of All Japan Worship Group Contest was held in The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church at 1:30pm today.  The team of the youth is grown and surprise result was allowed.  1st prize: PEACE (The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church)  2nd prize: Praise Band Servants of the Lord (The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church), 3rd prize: Faithful Fifties (The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church), 4th prize: Miracle (Kitakyushu Church of Living God) and Yamazato Gospel Club ( The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church). Two groups of 4th prize got the same score, and had the  final performance to decide the 4th prize, ant then Yamazato Gospel Club won.
As a result, PEACE will advance to Hakuba, and Praise Band Servants of the Lord, Faithful Fifties and Yamazato Gospel Club were involved to the group of runner-ups.

As a division of children of and under elementary students: 1st prize: Grace (Kitakyushu Church of Living God), 2nd prize: CS Team (The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church)
As a division of the youth: 1st prize: PEACE (The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church), 2nd prize: Miracle (Kitakyushu Church of Living God), 3rd prize: Kamisama no kodomo, A Child of God ( The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church)
For divisions of elementary school students and the youth, teams to advance to Hakuba are selected among these teams.

The 1st place in the youth category, “PEACE”

The 1st place in the elementary school student category, “Grace”

The 1st place in the general category, “PEACE”

Praise Band of Kitakyushu Church of Living God Held A Concert At Hibikinada Ryokuchi Green Park

On Thursday, May 3, a national holiday, a praise band of Kitakyushu Church of Living God held a J Gospel concert at “Hibikinada Ryokuchi Green Park” in Wakamatsu Ward, Kitakyushu-city.  A lot of people, more than ten-thousand people visit the park from not only Kitakyushu-city but also Nogata-city, Munakata-city, Fukuma-city and so on.  When the concert started, many people gathered and earnestly listened to singing praises to God. Some of them said,  “What a wonderful song!” “It makes me peace.” “Since I heard songs, I came. I am so glad.” and “Thank you.” The Lord touched many people through the concert.  It was a good concert the blessing of the Lord poured out to overflow.

Gifts and Kochi J Gospel Club Held Gospel Concert At A Shopping Center

On Thursday, Gifts and Kochi J Gospel Club had a gospel concert at a shopping center. When Kochi J Gospel Club started to sing, all prepared seats were occupied and great number of people listened.
Many people gathered at the concert by Gifts, too.  Some of audience said, “I have attended various concerts before. Today’s concert is the best.”
The top manager of a shopping center said, “Please come again.”  We thank the Lord.

Praise Band of Fuji, Street Live Performance in Ito, Izu

On Monday, April 30, the praise band of Fuji had a street live performance. They performed mini street live at two locations, the seaside park and before Kanko kaikan like tourist resort and facility.  Families of visitors and those who were passing stopped to listen.

A high school student belonging to the photo club at local high school took many pictures listening to gospel songs, to submit to the contest, “Your songs are very nice.  If I win, I’ll let you know.” Then, we could hand the business card of gospel club. We thank the Lord.

Number of Users to Access Got Over Fifty Thousand!

This week’s number of users to access to website became the biggest it has ever become. It became about twelve thousand more than it was the best it had been, over the number of fifty-seven thousand five hundred thirteen, and of fifty thousand.  Blogs of praise bands of Antioch and blog of Gifts were exceedingly used.


A Praise Band in Nagoya Church Held a Concert in Elderly Care Facility

On April 27, a praise band in Nagoya Church held a Gospel concert in two elderly care facilities.
At the first place, the users of the facility smiled when he heard a Yasuragi song, and he made the letter L with his fingers and sang together.
At the other place, we had a good response. They asked us to give a permission to play the CD in the facility.

Gifts Holds a Concert in Kohchi

Yesterday, Gifts held a concert in a hospital in Kohchi. A person who came to the Japan Orphanage Concert on Tuesday was very much moved and she arranged a concert in the hospital. As many as 100 patients and staffs came to the concert. Many poeple were crying in the concert. Someone said, “Please come again when you visit Kohchi.” We thank God for the concert.

Safaiya in Kashiwa Church Held a Charity Gospel Concert

On April 30, a Gospel group Safaiya in Kashiwa Church held a charity Gospel concert in spring. The concert was announced in the event corner of the local newspaper, Yomiuri Shinbun, and Asahi Sinbun. And many people saw the announcement and came to the concert. This was a concert toward the building of the children’s nursing home. We sang about eight Yasuragi songs together. Someone said that she was moved by the song, “Ookina-ai.” A certain Christian told me that we should hold a concert in a Hall. We thank God. Hallelujah!

Yasuragi Songs Are Used in Australian Church

A person who used to attend the same church as Pastor Joseph Sanbonmatsu sent an e-mail and said that he is now living in Australia. He said that he wants to use a Yasuragi song, “Negev-no-Nagare (Streams of Negev)” in his Japanese church in Auckland.
God is using Yasuragi songs in Australia.

Gifts in Concert at Shopping Center in Kochi City

Gifts held Charity Concerts for the Japan Orphanage at the shopping center in Kochi City yesterday. They performed two concerts. Several people had tears and some of them talked to the member of Gifts. Especially one lady who lost family member a couple of years ago came with tears in her eyes and said “I am not alone. Right?” She was touched by song entitled “In the shining light”. She received comfort from the Lord. They raised 43,157 yen for the orphanage. We give thanks to the Lord!

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