A Praise Band “Glory to Him” In Suzuka, Matsuzaka and Kuwana Held Concert In Health and Welfare Facility For Elders

A Praise Band of Suzuka, Matsuzaka and Kuwana, “Glory to Him,” held a concert at a health and welfare facility for the elders in Kuwana, which they visit regularly. As soon as we arrived, we heard the songs of Yasuragi songs playing, and there were about thirty audience. We started the concert from children’s songs and we then sang 4 songs from Yasuragi and Kazeno-Hibiki songbooks. As usual we sang “Ookina-Ai (Great Love)” together and we ended with “Shu-wo Yorokobu kotowa Chikara (Rejoice in the Lord is our strength.” Everyone was listening quietly. After the concert the faces of the audience was brightened up.

AFter we sang, a person who said that she lost her voice said, “Singing is the best!” We were greeted by the big clap and were encouraged very much. We thank God that He had touched each one in the concert.

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