About Online Distirbution Of Kokoro Gospel Concert

We will provide an Online distribution of the Kokoro Gospel concert, which will be held on Friday, December 22 at Nakano Zero Small Hall. The concert will be broadcast online on Dec. 22. And we will also provide distribution of the concert which you can use for one week. Please place order to the address below. Live ticket cost 1,00 0 yen for person. For more than 5 persons, the ticket will be 3,000 yen. Please join us.

Kokoro Gospel 28th LOVE CAME DOWN

Date & Time: Firday, December 22 19:00
Place: Nakano Zero Small Hall

Live Distribution Ticket:1,000 yen
More than 5 persons 3,000 yen

Place Order at: thevision.gospel@gmail.com

For further information:
Tel: 070-6462-5345 (for concert)

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