“His Grace”, a Praise Band in Machida Had A Concert At An Elderly Day Care Center

His Grace, a praise band in Machida had a Gospel concert for forty-five minutes at an elderly day care center near Tobu Dobutsu Koen (Tobu Zoo Park) Station, Saitama Prefecture on September 18th. This is the facility, that accepted us through a friend of one of church members, and about forty people including those using the facility and staff members listened to Gospel songs from Sound of Wind songbook and Yasuragino uta (Peaceful) songbook.  Some were wiping tears and responded,”Thank you for your warm songs” “This is the day today we never forget” “I am so happy to hear I am loved” and so on. Then, both of staff members and those using the facility together gave us their words to come back aging to sing.  It was His blessed concert! We give thanks to the Lord.

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