Praise band from Kitakyushu Church of Living God held a concert at biggest urban park in Kitakyushu

On June 7th Saturday, a praise band from Kitakyushu Church of Living God “J-gospel team・praise band of the Heaven” was invited to the “Rose garden Concert” which was held in biggest urban park in Kitakyushu called “Green Park” located in Wakamatsuku, and held a concert at there. The venue was event hall of urban tree planting center. “The Spring Rose fair” had been held in Green Park, many people were visiting the park. The venue and in urban tree planting center were filled with praise. Children, young people, old people and people of all kinds of ages were listening to our performance. There were people who told us “I was touched by praise and I shed tears” “It was wonderful” “I enjoyed it”, some people were recording by iPhone, and some people were taking pictures. It was wonderful concert which the blessings of the Lord poured abundantly.

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