Splendor’s Spring Concert at Hirakata

On Saturday, 5th, praise band in Kansai, “Splendor” held  “Splender. Spring Concert” sponsored by Osaka J Gospel Club at Hirakata, Osaka.  They sang 14 songs from “Peaceful Song” and “Sound of Wind”.  The members changed and at the same time, average age of the members  got lowered.  This was the first concert for new members.

Approximately 30+ audience, who are member’s colleagues, member’s teachers of private tuition and so on gathered.  They were touched by gospel for the first time.  Some of them started crying after a few songs.  Some people took pictures, videos and so on using tablet.  Most of the people performed with L sign of fingers and smile for the last song, “God is Love~Love is all~”  A person who has a child with deficiency told them, ” I was given power to live”.  They received food from the audience.  It was a very blessed concert.

God’s presence during praising was shown deeply in this concert, because it is on the second stage of our praise work.

We give thanks to the Lord who led us.

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