About the accident insurance at the 26 saints meeting in Nagasaki

We announce of the accident insurance to a person participating in the Nagasaki martyrdom memorial meeting of February 5 at Tokyo Antioch church.

We’ve guidance to the one where accident insurance participation is hoped for from Nagasaki martyrdom holy meeting executive committee.

The participation costs are the insurance that an executive committee bears. The one hoped for, please send a full name (family register name), the date of birth to the following e-mail address (church office).

E-Mail address As for the tlccc @ crocus.ocn.ne.jp

Internet member, I would like notification equally.

As communication goes the served one such as a picture, the orchestra than each person in charge, please contact a person in charge.

As you submit it to the executive committee on 29th, please send it by Tuesday on 28th.

-Church office work –

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